[Gllug] Linuxemporium - Pink Tie

John Winters john at linuxemporium.co.uk
Fri Nov 22 14:32:11 UTC 2002

On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 13:59, Mark Lowes wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 16:20, Alain Williams wrote:
> > > Personally I think that the shift in senior management focus at Red Hat is 
> > > indicative of a move towards a less Free Red Hat over the coming couple of 
> > > years. That is a natural result of their being a listed company now - 
> > > theyy are obliged in law to maximise share holder value.
> > 
> > But the shareholders bought the shares *knowing* that all the s/ware
> > that it distributed was open source - so I don't think that that applies.
> I doubt that releases them from any legal requirements to do what is
> required (reasonably) to ensure the maxiumum return on investment to the
> shareholders. (IANAL)

OTOH, there's a good case that what RH are doing currently is to the
detriment of their shareholders.  Having been through all the points it
seems to have no advantages for them and plenty of disadvantages.

I get the impression (and this is from talking to people within RH too)
that the new moves are ones that some lawyer has decided they need to do
and the "reasons" are rationalisations tagged on afterwards.


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