[Gllug] Weird network problem

itsbruce at uklinux.net itsbruce at uklinux.net
Thu Oct 24 15:49:39 UTC 2002

On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 05:16:32PM +0200, Neil Fryer wrote:
> Hi All
> If anyone can help me out this this would be great as this is a last resort.
> I have a Linux box sitting in our DMZ, now from our trusted network, I can
> SSH into this machine, but I can't ping it. Once I'm on the box, I can't
> ping anything, or do anything from the box network wise, ping, nslookup,
> ssh, anything. Then watching the logs on our firewall I can see that this
> box is sending DNS requests out to our other DNS server over our VPN? Also
> from our other network I can telnet into port 53 of this box, on both it's
> normal and NAT'd IP addys, and the same from our trusted network?

Sounds like a firewall issue.  If you can't ping it then ICMP echo going
out and/or echo-reply coming in is probably blocked.  Do you administer
the firewall?  If not, you need to speak to whomever does.


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