[Gllug] Can't connect to the Internet.

Dermot Moynihan dermoyn at onetel.net.uk
Mon Oct 28 16:26:34 UTC 2002

>Dermot Moynihan(dermoyn at onetel.net.uk)@Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 03:21:10PM +0000:
> > I bought my first ever Linux OS Saturday: SUSE 8.1 Pro. Well, after
> > spending all day yesterday trying to get my external modem, which it has
> > recognised, and which appears to work, to dial my ISP's number and get me
> > access to the Internet, and failing dismally, I'm at my wits end.
> >  The modem does work - I have Mandrake on another H/D and I checked it
> > there and I was able to get on the Internet no problem.
> > Don't assume from the last sentence that I know much about Linux. My
> > knowledge would fit on the head of a pin. And a sharp one at that.
> > I'm trying to get away from Gates but alas, the road is all up hill. I may
> > have to invest in a pair of stout boots. They weren't included with the
> > package.
>oh dear, thats rather unfortunate.
>in what way does it fail under suse?

It's hard to explain when I don't know what I'm talking about.

>is the modem dialing out?

I don't think so.



>wailing sounds?

Nary a beep

>or is it failing later on, perhaps at the
>authentication stage?
>you might want to have a look at the ends of the logfiles for more info
>about where its failing.  /var/log/{messages|daemon.log|pppd.log|syslog}
>and maybe some others.  (it varies on distros, and i dont know suse)

I'm afraid I don't know how to do this. While the manuals look very 
impressive they have very little info on accessing the internet.
Now if this were Windows I'd know exactly what was wrong and could explain 
myself and probably wouldn't even need to do so as I could fix the thing 
myself. This is in no way praise for that wretched piece of work. I tend to 
subscribe more to the Will Shakespeare's definition of a Microsoft 
Operating System:

"A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing" (King 

Having said that, I am dependent on it. For now.

Thanks for your prompt response. I'll be checking those log files if I can 
figure out some way in.

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