[Gllug] IA32? IA64? x86...

John Winters john at linuxemporium.co.uk
Thu Oct 3 13:44:26 UTC 2002

On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 14:32, Jackson, Harry wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: John Winters [mailto:john at linuxemporium.co.uk]
> > However much (or little) one may like it, there's no
> > doubt that 2000 is a big improvement on NT4 in terms of stability.
> I would beg to differ here (only in my experience I have no actual stats on
> which is more reliable). I have used NT for nearly two years here at work
> and have had two blue screens. I installed 2000 last week and have had
> around 15 BS's since then. Admittedly it was an upgrade over NT but it did
> strike me as a bit odd that it is now very unstable but when the PC had NT
> it was running merrily with no problems.

I bow to your superior experience of 2000.  I have practically none with
2000 but a painfully large amount with NT 4.  I *know* NT 4 wasn't
stable.  I had been lead to believe that 2000 was better.


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