[Gllug] Linux volunteering

Mark Preston mark at markpreston.co.uk
Tue Oct 1 03:54:13 UTC 2002

Alex Gonzalez asked:-
"Am I the only one who thinks that our community would benefit from a 
linux volunteering group?"

Ian Norton wrote:-
"i would gladly volunteer my help to worthy charities, i am however broke, 
some rich linux/unix vendor could pay our travel costs :-)"

I would quite like to help this sort of thing. I would be happy to spend some 
of my spare time transporting and accompanying said geeks on their missions.
I'm sure I would learn a lot of useful things. I am probably best described 
as cash rich and time poor however, so Sundays would probably be the only 
suitable time for me to get involved in this sort of thing.

To my mind
Nagios = Mother -in -law
A big patch over the mouth desirable, very unstable, but capable of going on 
for hours which always seem more like days.

Best regards, 
Mark Preston

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