[Gllug] Variable dial-up connection with Linux cmp XP

Mark Preston mark at markpreston.co.uk
Mon Oct 7 19:50:41 UTC 2002

Gary Heaton wrote:-
 >"It's possible that Freeserve's network is simply Linux-unfriendly. If
 >so, can anyone recommend a good Linux alternative?"

I would wholeheartedly recommend uklinux.net
See www.uklinux.net

I would also recommend reading Configuring pppd in Linux parts 1 and 2 
by Tony Mobily (Linux Journal February and March 2002). These should be 
available on the web by now at linuxjournal.com maybe. I would expect 
that Jason Clifford's lecture would also be very interesting, and well 
worth attending for someone in your position. I hope to go, but might 
not be able to make this Saturday. I hope some kind soul might post a 
review of what he says following the meeting.
Best regards,
Mark Preston

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