[Gllug] RE: Now this is scarey

Alain Williams addw at phcomp.co.uk
Thu Oct 3 11:57:55 UTC 2002

On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 04:51:52AM -0700, Peter Rutherford wrote:
> As a newbie, my thinking may be up the 
> creek. But isn't this a real opportunity 
> for Linux? Can't the usae of Linux short 
> circuit this control freakery?

The trouble is that unless the application can get the keys it can't sign documents that it
creates (or serves up - think apache), it also can't read documents (think M$ Word).
The application won't get the keys unless it is running on top of a trusted OS
The Fritz chip will prevent you from running a non-trusted OS.

Ie the hardware stops you running code that M$ doesn't want you to.

OK, that is a bit naive, but AFIU the ballpark story.

Alain Williams

#include <std_disclaimer.h>

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