[Gllug] Weird network problem

Neil Fryer neil.fryer at 12snap.com
Thu Oct 24 15:49:13 UTC 2002

That's the whole thing. Yep, I admin the firewall, but it's currently set up
to log all incomming and outgoing traffic, and the only thing that it picks
up coming from this box is DNS(53), which it's allowing through. Nothing
else touches the firewall?

-----Original Message-----
From: itsbruce at uklinux.net [mailto:itsbruce at uklinux.net]
Sent: 24 October 2002 16:50
To: gllug at linux.co.uk
Subject: Re: [Gllug] Weird network problem

On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 05:16:32PM +0200, Neil Fryer wrote:
> Hi All
> If anyone can help me out this this would be great as this is a last
> I have a Linux box sitting in our DMZ, now from our trusted network, I can
> SSH into this machine, but I can't ping it. Once I'm on the box, I can't
> ping anything, or do anything from the box network wise, ping, nslookup,
> ssh, anything. Then watching the logs on our firewall I can see that this
> box is sending DNS requests out to our other DNS server over our VPN? Also
> from our other network I can telnet into port 53 of this box, on both it's
> normal and NAT'd IP addys, and the same from our trusted network?

Sounds like a firewall issue.  If you can't ping it then ICMP echo going
out and/or echo-reply coming in is probably blocked.  Do you administer
the firewall?  If not, you need to speak to whomever does.


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