[Gllug] (no subject)

ben f ben_m_f at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Oct 3 08:53:33 UTC 2002

>> As I see it, if we had a fix number of people 
>> ( i.e members of a mailing list ), we set a 
>> period of time to give a vote on something, and we
>> apply simple mayority after that time, 
>> at least things move.

I agree with this in principle, but the definition
needs refining to avoid chaos!

Here are some ideas:

We should have a default period of time between each
question and vote deadline (say 7 days). Anyone can
ask a "question". If you don't like the way a question
is worded (i.e. it's a bit too "New Labour"), make
your own question and see how people respond to that.

Each "question" marks the start of a thread and all
subsequent votes must be a reply to this thread.

Each question must have a clear range of acceptable
vote responses to allow for easy voting e.g. option1,
option2 or option3. No "please let me know your
opinion" for this type of thread.

The voting threads should be under their own mail
address on the mail server. General discussion etc.
should be separate.

This would need someone to keep track of it all. As
the pedant to delve into this, I will also volunteer
to keep track of the votes passed on issues........

Okay, that's my tuppence worth of ideas on making
quick(ish) decisions in a fair way.

Pity we can't vote on it as we don't have any rules
yet! Help, I'm stuck in a recursive loop.......... ;)


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