[Gllug] Business Assistance

Jim Bailey jim at freesolutions.net
Thu Oct 31 19:20:03 UTC 2002

On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 06:06:11PM +0000, David Damerell wrote:
> On Thursday, 31 Oct 2002, Calvin la Cock wrote:
> [in response to a 419 scam]
> >Erm .. this is the oldest trick in the book , normally used by
> >Nigerians.
> That's rather unfair. The state mentioned is often Nigeria, but
> apparently many 419 scams are run from the Netherlands.
I didn't realise that though I figured that it wasn't likely that they
originated in Nigeria.  I have noticed that they have become more
topical though with the emphasis on helping the unfortunate rather than
grabbing embezelled funds.  I have received a couple claiming to of come
from white farmers trying to get their savings out of Zimbabwe.

Much more disturbing is some company I have never heard of spamming me
on an address trying to temp me with sales speak and  with offers of SuSE
Linux boxed sets.  Very little info on the company and no contact
details other than email.  I tracked their details down through
companies house but still couldn't get a telephone number.  I have
called their local office of fair trading.  Though I am not sure if it
is within their remit.

As far as I am concerned they aren't "Linux" and they aren't "community".

Peace Jim

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