[Gllug] Does this list accept postings from non-subscribed addresses?

John Winters john at linuxemporium.co.uk
Fri Oct 11 13:18:19 UTC 2002

On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 13:57, Tethys wrote:
> Matthew Thompson writes:
> >Can you not use the mailman features to subscribe people but set them 
> >not to receive mail?
> Yes, I could do, but it's more work than simply editing /etc/aliases.
> And since the amount of spam on this list is to the negligible side
> of low anyway, why bother?

Compared to the other lists I'm subscribed to, the incidence of spam on
the gllug list comes across as high.  This may just be because on the
others the incidence is zero whilst on gllug there's a perceptible
amount.  I admit I haven't counted.

I can see the downside to restricting posting too though, and admit I
don't have an answer.  I suspect it's like the munging/non-munging
debate - there is no absolute best option.


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