[Gllug] Network Traffic

Andy Loates andy at the-bizz.demon.co.uk
Sat Oct 12 10:21:59 UTC 2002


Apologies for this simple question.

My internet (ISDN) connection refuses to close down after the specified 
idle time - 4 mins - ie some process is making it stay up.

There is a utility/command that is similar to 'tail -f /var/log/---' for 
files that shows you all network traffic as it occurs. I've used it 
before but I must have thrown the reference to it away and no matter of 
looking through manuals, Books, google etc can i find it.

My connection has now been up for a day and a half, thank god for 
Surftime 24/7, and as my security is for dial up i'm beginning to get 

Thanks in advance


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