[Gllug] getting into the linux work scene

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Tue Sep 3 21:35:19 UTC 2002

On 03 Sep 2002, Chris Ball said:
>>> On Tue, 03 Sep 2002 09:51:36 +0100, Tethys <tet at accucard.com> said:
>    tet> Even a one character change can go wrong if you accidentally
>    tet> insert a control character somewhere, and that backup could save
>    tet> your ass. 
> Also been there.

Likewise: typoed and did a `telinit 0' instead of a `telinit 3'...
... in a startup script.

Restarting was, er, interesting. (miniroot disk time.)

But the king of such shaggy crash stories has to be
<891kot$7uj at weyl.math.psu.edu>.

(I think I've mentioned it before...)

`Mips are real and bitrate earnest, shifting spam is not our goal;
 silicon to sand returnest, was not spoken of the soul.'
   --- _Eventful History: Version 1.x_, John M. Ford

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