Control of MX record - (Was - Re: [Gllug] Web hosting, email and dns)

Sean Burlington sean at
Sun Sep 8 10:10:04 UTC 2002

Colin Murphy wrote:
> On Saturday 07 September 2002 11:09 am, Jason Clifford wrote:
>>On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, Colin Murphy wrote:
>>>Through the 123-reg web interface, I've only got access to change A
>>>and CNAME records.  Is this unusual?  If so, would this be peculiar to
>>>just domains?  If I had bought a would I have got more
>>It is unusual that you get any direct control at all if you are not
>>running your own name servers.
> Do you think that's what Sean originally meant when he said "They don't 
> offer much by way of DNS - but allow you to take control of that easily."
what I meant was ...

they offer a limited amount of stuff like web and email forwarding,
and have recently allowed you to enter A and CNAME records
(which I haven't used)

but also make it easy for you to specify your own DNS servers

I am lucky enough to have access to a couple of DNS servers through work 
- so this is the route I use.

Otherwise (for non-commercial stuff) I would probably use one of the 
free dns sites

I can't find the urls for these just at the moment although
may do the job ...

some domain name sellers seem to make money by making it hard for you to 
use any services other than thier own - what I like about 123-reg is 
that you get a cheap domain without getting tied in to expensive extras


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