[Gllug] OT: conspiracy re. US Gov. and 911

Jason Clifford jason at ukpost.com
Wed Sep 4 09:20:57 UTC 2002

On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Xander D Harkness wrote:

> When I was working in Pakistan the Americans (read CIA) used to pay for 
> lawyers to improve the chance of Drug Dealers not being convicted 
> following an arrest.

The US has a poor history in respect of drug trafficking. That does not 
however justify claims that the US was behind the Sept 11 attacks.

> The local Police subsequently combatted this by ensuring that more and 
> more dealers and mobsters 'resisted arrest' and hence were not available 
> for trial.

Not something restricted to their police either. When the system gets so 
corrupt it is unsurprising that front line police offers take on the role 
of judge, jury and executioner. Not a good thing but unsurprising.

> Throughout Pakistan I met many Americans who had difficulty 
> understanding the difficulties they had while there,

It is a caricature that all US Americans are so blind to what the world is 
really like outside their borders (and oft times within them to!) but the 
unfortunate reality is that lots of them are.

Alas the same is true for much of society here.

> being British held substantial advantages.

For all that we screwed them all royally during the years of colonial rule 
we're still fairly well respected - possibly because colonialism is rather 
akin to a caste system in practice.

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