[Gllug] Type of Install Server/WorkerStation/Custom

John Hearns john.hearns at cern.ch
Fri Sep 20 10:23:02 UTC 2002

On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 12:06, t.clarke wrote:
> I would wholeheartedly agree with a Custom install.
> The standard install options load up your disc with tons of obscure packages
> you may never need.
> The only problemn with a custom install is that, as I recollect, it presents
> you with millions of choices to make and can be quite laborious initially.

For reference: to people who are installing lots of machines,
once you have got a list of packages you want (and the dependencies!)
you can create your own package lists.
And use them in e.g.  kickstart.

For instance, we create our own package lists - CERN Base, Network
Server,  etc. and you choose which set to install in the Kickstart file.

Also you could consider other install suites like Oscar.

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