[Gllug] Wavefinder? DAB under Linux?

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Tue Sep 3 12:23:02 UTC 2002

On Tue 03 Sep, Richard Cohen made the following spurious claims:

[BBC 6 Music]

> The music/interviews/etc. are pretty good too :-)

It's like a student/community radio station with BBC production
values.  Passionate presenters who know their stuff.  I like it.
Wouldn't mind a dance programme though.

1xtra is execrable, but then I'm not entirely sure when R&B stopped
being a term for gritty Southern black blues and became cheesy gospel
harmonies with dodgy raps over the top...

> It's a WinRadio :-(

Well that's really probably the only way to go with these things.
That way you can put the minimum hardware on there and decode in
software.  It makes sense, really, since most modern computers are
entirely capable of decoding MPEG layer 2 audio with minimal CPU load.

The reason I think this shows promise is that there is Linux software
for the demultiplexing et al stuff written by students in Germany.
Porting that to other hardware shouldn't be so hard, given specs for
the data format coming over the USB.


> In summary - nice, relatively cheap digital radio, but Windows-only :-(

<sigh> I imagine this one has the same problems at a similar price

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>
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