[Gllug] Whitelist-only spam filtering

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Thu Sep 12 10:48:15 UTC 2002

1) I'm not talking about lettings some shadowy third party filter my
   mail.  I'll do that and maintain the filters myself.  I'm convinced
   that whitelists are the only way forward and, if implemented
   correctly, will not result in lost mail.
2) Spamassassin isn't good enough.  I get far to many false-positives
   and it lets through stacks of spam -- notably recently have been
   the classic Nigerian scams.

However, the Spamassassin approach is good.  I like the idea of
scoring and that would be useful for the stuff that isn't in the
whitelists or is in a provisional whitelist.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>
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- Martin Luther King, Jr.
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