Control of MX record - (Was - Re: [Gllug] Web hosting, email and dns)

Jason Clifford jason at
Sat Sep 7 09:43:41 UTC 2002

On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, Colin Murphy wrote:

> I've registered a domain with them, only to find that I can't change 
> the MX record.  I was planning on running a mail server - just for the fun 
> of it - can I still do this without access to the MX record?
> When you say "They don't offer much by way of DNS - but allow you to take 
> control of that easily." what do you mean?
> If not, what service am I looking to buy to get control of the MX record?

For full control you need to control the data in the DNS for the domain.

Ideally you need to operate the primary DNS server yourself. If you cannot 
do that you need a provider that gives you control over the data served - 
via whatever mechanism - without imposing artifial limits over the common 
resource records you can use. You should be able to add/edit A, MX, NS and 
CNAME records at a minimum.

I'm working on a service offering based upon this level for ukpost however 
it's not close to ready yet as I need to get a few other things complete 
first. It's not complicated though.

Jason Clifford
UKPOST.COM	 	           get your address now...	 	   professional hosting and colocation

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