[Gllug] Which files link to an inode?

Tethys tet at accucard.com
Wed Apr 23 14:20:19 UTC 2003

"Simon Morris" writes:

>server 23# find /psd1 -xdev -inum 352655799
>-xdev: bad option
>Usage: find path-list predicate-list

-xdev is a GNU find extension. On Irix, I think you need to use -mount

>server 24# find /psd1 -inum 352655799
>So according to the server the only link to inode 352655799 is the
>original directory I was on about.
>You can't hard link over disk partitions, so where are the other 4 hard
>links to that data?????

Somewhere that isn't below /psd1, by the looks of it. Is a separate
filesystem mounted on /psd1, or is it part of the root fs? If it's
the latter (and the evidence presented so far impies it is), then
you need to run:

	find / -mount -inum 352655799 -print


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