[Gllug] Mysql Configure problem

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Sun Apr 20 21:55:22 UTC 2003

On Fri, 18 Apr 2003, Stig Brautaset stipulated:
> On Apr 18 2003, Nix wrote:
>> >          On the few occasions I have exchanged emails with on list regarding
>> > a subject, I have felt like Bilbo talking to Smaug. ;)
>> Now, now, I'm not Smaug. I'm more like Bombadil without the horrible
>> versification. ;P
> What, you're married to the daughter of the river[*] and you're older
> than evil itself?

`More like' != `equal to'.

I'm not huge or scaly or a creation of Morgoth or a lover of treasure,

And I *do* like trees. (I haven't had reason to check to see if I can
stop trees from attacking me, because none have done so. They must like
me. More evidence. :) )

--- oh, and there's no evidence that Bombadil is older than evil; he's
as old as Arda, sure, but the Ainur are all older than Arda too, so
that's no use for determining relative ages.

We know Bombadil arrived on Arda before Morgoth (as he would later
be named), but we don't know how much time the Ainur spent in the Music
outside of time... (actually, the question makes little sense; it *was*
outside of time, after all...)

>  [*] I don't have any of my LoTR[**] copies here, so this is IIRC.
>  [**] Yes, I have several. 

So do I, but only one copy of each of the HoME books.

`It is an unfortunate coincidence that the date locarchive.h was
 written (in hex) matches Ritchie's birthday (in octal).'
               -- Roland McGrath on the libc-alpha list

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