[Gllug] Mounting Netware partition with mount -t ncpfs and ncpmount

Garry Heaton garry at heaton6.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Apr 24 00:06:13 UTC 2003

>On Wed, Apr 23, 2003 at 10:17:11PM +0100, Richard West wrote:

>> Does anyone have any experience accessing such a
>> partition and if so how should we specify the SERVER?
>> What do we need to specify in order to mount a Netware
>> 3.12 partition locally?

>First off are you trying to boot knoppix on a netware server and mount
>the local drives, or are you trying to mount from a netware server. If
>the latter you'll need to configure ipx and use ncpmount like so:

>ipx_configure --auto_primary=on --auto_interface=on
>ncpmount -S SERVER -U user /mnt/net/server

>ie, ncp is the netware network filesystem protocol, cf nfs or smb

>If you are trying to do something to a netware server directly you will
>need to use nwfs (cf fat, ext3).  I haven't used these tools but nwfs
>seems to be what you need, the partitions should be dos partitions and
>then you need the fs drivers/tools:




I'm also working on this mount problem with Richard. We are working on the
server machine mounting a local drive via /dev/sda2, not across a network.

I've checked the Knoppix 3.2 installation and Mandrake 9.1. Neither have
'nwfs' listed under /lib/modules/<kernel>/kernel/fs/. Is this for the older
versions of Netware? How come it's missing when it's surely at least as
useful as some of the more obscure filesystems which come as standard?

The links above led to very little info on how to mount via nwfs, but thanks

Garry Heaton

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