[Gllug] Filesystems for Linux

Martin A. Brooks martin at clues.ltd.uk
Sat Apr 19 08:15:42 UTC 2003

At 00:56 19/04/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>I'm intrigued to try out Reiser
>now that all the old scares are over,

As far as I know, the bug I found 3+ years ago is still present.

1) Create 2 million 4-16k files.
2) Update them a lot
3) Wait til reiser keels over
4) Realise the "recovery" tools are a joke
5) Pray your backup works[0]


[0] "Backup? Why do we need to backup?  It's a journalling file 
system!!"   *slap*

Martin A. Brooks, Clues Ltd

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