[Gllug] Problems with OpenLDAP 'objectClass violation'

Simon Morris smorris at batesuk.com
Fri Aug 1 11:51:18 UTC 2003

On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 12:03, Doug Winter wrote:
> On Thu 31 Jul Simon Morris wrote:

> I can't see any reason why inetOrgPerson and account shouldn't be ok
> together.  I've only been using LDAP for a few months though, so I could
> be wrong.
> What is the object class of ou=Richmond,dc=123123,dc=com ?  Is it
> something that can contain both those things?

It is an organizationalUnit class created with the following text:

#Create Richmond OU
dn: ou=Richmond,dc=123123,dc=com
ou: Richmond
objectClass: organizationalUnit

The main confusion is that I achieved this not long ago with the same
software setup.

Simon Morris
smorris at batesuk.com

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