[Gllug] mechanical KVM switches

Peter Childs blue.dragon at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Dec 23 10:40:52 UTC 2003

Chris Bell wrote:

>   I have used a mechanical KVM switch to select from 4 computers with 1
>monitor but have never used the keyboard and mouse selections. Most versions
>of BIOS allow keyboard errors to be ignored, but I do not want to take risks
>with the computers. Are these switches safe to use?
    I've used these switches once or twice in fact I currently have one 
on my desk at work. Its a good idea to be switched to that computer 
while booting, especially if you want to run X on that machine. This 
aids the mouse to work (hmm very difficuly when it does not!)
    Somtimes the switch does not gome home and you end up with no mouse, 
no keyboard, or a funny picture. Usally wiggling the switch and 
switching to another setting and back again sorts this out.
    If you do not wish to take risks use separte mice and keyboards its 
alot safer!

Peter Childs

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