[Gllug] Controversial Joel Spolsky article

Christopher Hunter chrisehunter at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Dec 21 11:36:22 UTC 2003

On Tuesday 16 Dec 2003 7:22 pm, Christopher Currie wrote:

> To my knowledge, M***ft were knowingly issuing unreliable software
> in the early 1980s.

M$ have NEVER issued ANY software that has "worked as described" in the 
enitire history of the company!  Their fundamental failings are:  a lack of a 
proper version management system (within the company) and many ad hoc 
modifications to code;  widely disparate development groups working without 
proper reference to each other (internal communications are a disaster);  
deliberately obsfuscated code to prevent third-party (or public) analysis and 
repair;  and their preference for litigation rather than code development!


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