[Gllug] Recycling

Andy Farnsworth farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Thu Feb 6 12:19:24 UTC 2003

> > I am getting grief from the boss about all the old "crap" lying
> >  around. Suggestions...
> You could put a call out to GLLUG,
> but it is very hard work actually getting people to turn up to
>  collect the stuff they promise they want.
> (I did get rid of an old Mac from Framestore to Kim -
> so good on you Kim)

The trick to this is don't take reservations.  Post of list of a bunch of
stuff and make it first come first served.  State a specific time and don't
let anyone in before that time.  Then you will have a crowd there where you
open the door.

Andy Farnsworth

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