[Gllug] Mozilla unsupported?

Doug Winter doug at pigeonhold.com
Sat Feb 22 09:43:30 UTC 2003

On Sat 22 Feb John Hearns wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-02-22 at 01:16, Jonathan Harker wrote:
> > Dear Marks & Spencer's web designer,
> > 
> > Please can you remove your unnecessary "unsupported browser" check
> > from your website.
> There is a similar thread on uk.comp.os.linux, "Scottish Power
> discrimination against non Windows users"
> I can sense a campaign coming on here... "To the barricades, mes
> amis!"

How about a register of sites that /do/ work with non-IE/non-Windows
browsers?  I suspect this would be more useful than the opposite, both
to actual users (after all, you don't care which banks don't work, you
want to choose one that does) and as a PR exercise - it's a "good news"
story, and isn't your usual whinging free software thing.

Anyone know if such a thing already exists?


http://www.britishsteal.com                             doug at pigeonhold.com
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