Steve Cobrin cobrin at highbury.net
Sun Feb 16 23:10:28 UTC 2003

please folk, don't respond to SPAM messages, and copy the rest of us.
All it does is confirm that gllug at linux.co.uk is a valid mailing list. 
The mailing list does have spam-filters installed, but sometimes things 
get through, sorry.

Chris, its unlikely that you'll ever get people to punish the spammers, 
if you give the ISP so little information to go on. You'd need to copy 
them the full headers, at the very least. and also include the alleged 
email of the sender i.e. desmondstevens27 at netscape.net
but I suspect you won't get far. Actually looking at the headers, there 
isn't much to go on

> Received: from node-c-54b1.a2000.nl ([] 
>        by mx-2.mail.ftech.net with smtp (Exim 3.34 #1)

a whois on the ip-address gives more useful information in this case, 
but I suspect its yet another open-relay

-- Steve

On Sunday 16 Feb 2003 21:43, Chris Wareham wrote:
> This was received via a mailing list I am subscribed to (and to which
> I have CC'ed this reply). Please terminate this individuals e-mail
> account immediately.
> Regards,
> Chris Wareham
> >                         RESPONSE PLEASE.
> > You will be surprised receiving this letter from me since you do

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