[Gllug] hopeless debian install

Ian Norton bredroll at darkspace.org.uk
Tue Jan 7 19:09:53 UTC 2003

have you tried the new stable and tried the bf2.4 bootdisks, worth a try,

i cant think of anything else,

oh, how about using windows to dload the debian stuff onto the hd, then 
running the install from hard disk instead of using floppies, then youll 
only need root and boot, bung base and drivers.tgz on the hd.


SteveC wrote:

>I'm trying to get debian on an old [but hardly used it seems] 
>nobrand laptop
>P1 mobile 233 MMX Genuine, 128 meg, 4 Gb drive, 1024x600
>It has a floppy that runs off the par port and a CD off pcmcia. The 
>debian boot floppies for stable or old-stable just crash crash crash all 
>the time. I get variably 
>unable to derefence pointer [crash]
>unable to handle paging request [crash]
>invalid operand 0000 [crash]
>stable just crashes a few seconds into reading the root floppy 
>Looking around I found that the pcmcia controller [O2Micro OZ6832/6833]
>was flaky and indeed most of these crashes happened on the old-floppies
>when trying to bring up the pcmcia. i can do this now by passing it
>"irq_list=10,11,15 poll_interval=150" and leaving the network card out, 
>then plugging that in.
>I managed to get the base system installed that way and getting an
>interface and grabbing packages off mirror.ac.uk . On updating [apt-get
>dist-upgrade to testing] i got lots of crashes. I have run memtest86 for
>a few hours and the memory checks out. I've tried chmod a-x
>/etc/init.d/pcmcia so thats not there. and still i get crashes with the
>machine up for only a minute or so.
>its now crashed so badly the filesystem got totally mangled and i can't 
>boot linux BUT windows runs just fine on it. It takes something like a 
>million years to feed it all 6 floppies so I've left it for a while 
>since it crashes so much.
>oh, and its not the floppies I've tried three sets and it dies at the 
>same point on the stable install...
>Any ideas other than derefing the oopses and trying the kernel list?
>have fun,
>SteveC steve at fractalus.com http://www.fractalus.com/steve/

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