[Gllug] OT: MySQL : arrgh no subqueries

Ian Norton bredroll at darkspace.org.uk
Wed Jul 9 09:25:48 UTC 2003

Hi everyone,

i've been trawling google for ages for a solution to my problem,

i want to search two tables in mysql, one table has a list of objects,
the other is a list of groups that the objects can belong to.

with the following select query i can get a list of the objects
and show the group details of the group that owns it,

SELECT Content.name, Groups.gid, Groups.groupname
FROM Content.Groups
WHERE Content.gid = Groups.gid;

All works nicely,


If an item in Content is owned by a Group that has been deleted from Groups
then it is totally omitted in the above results,

What i want is to return the Content.name of all the objects that were not
listed from Content by the previous query,

confused yet?



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