[Gllug] Re: www.spews.org - spamming blacklist

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Wed Jun 11 00:35:56 UTC 2003

On 10 Jun 2003, Mike Brodbelt yowled:
> I defy you to get better results from anything by just adding SPEWS to
> it, though :-))

Oh, agreed; SPEWS has an FP rate of about 98% (as of April when I tested
this last) because of the collateral damage stuff. If you're interested
in differentiating between spam and nonspam it's almost useless; in
fact, with spam rates as high as they are now it might be usable as a
sign of non-spam! :)

(I'll test that; it sounds just crazy enough to be true.)

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