[Gllug] Access Database to MySQL / PostreSQL

Xander D Harkness xander at harkness.co.uk
Fri Jun 13 17:54:11 UTC 2003

Bernard Peek wrote:

> I'm currently using EMS MySQL Manager which is much better, but it's 
> not free. I've got 26 days left of the 30 day evaluation license. If I 
> was working I might buy it.
Now I like the way they do their trials.  30 day licence to use and then 
they ask you to remove it.  When testing something like this for a job I 
will often get half way through and then asked to help on another 
project, only to find the trial expired when I get back :-)

Windows versions
EMS MySQL Manager Professional  (single license)     $135     Register 
Now!     Register Now!
EMS MySQL Manager Professional (site license)     $895     Register Now! 
    Register Now!
EMS MySQL Manager Lite (single license)     $85     Register Now!     
Register Now!
EMS MySQL Manager Lite (site license)     $595     Register Now!     
Register Now!

Linux versions
EMS MySQL Manager for Linux (single license)     $95     Register Now! 
    Register Now!
EMS MySQL Manager for Linux (site license)     $695     Register Now! 
    Register Now!

I am not sure whether the Linux versions are equivalent to the Windows 
versions.  It is either US$100 more expensive or cheaper....

Kind regards


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