Alain Williams
addw at phcomp.co.uk
Thu Jun 12 07:48:55 UTC 2003
On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 08:21:33AM +0100, Gordon Joly wrote:
> ******
> EDUCASHUN NEWS (Private Eye 1082, 13-26 June 2003)
> MICROSOFT's annual renewable licences continue to drain cash from the
> UK's education system, where the company enjoys a virtual monopoly
> (Eye 1062).
> ...
The other big drain on schools is the virtual RM monopoly. I am working on my kids'
school to break that - and have lost the first round due to FUD, the head was
quite understanding/receptive when I talked about it ...
A few nice stories/examples of schools that have moved away and lived would be good.
I am (initially) trying to get PCs bought on the open market into the school
as a preliminary to getting some Linux boxes in.
One problem is the 'integration' one. One big RM FUD is that other boxes won't
work with their 'client connect' s/ware (authentication & simple admin).
I did hear a story of this 'failing' if the network card was not an RM bought one.
Does anyone know of a Linux client implementation ? (Server comes next).
If not this would seem ripe for a bit of reverse engineering.
Alain Williams
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