[Gllug] Best format, for everyone, for saving documents.

Matthew King matthew.king at monnsta.net
Mon Jun 16 08:51:37 UTC 2003

> On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 10:18 pm, Matthew King wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 08:56:45PM +0100, The voices made Tethys say:
>> > Sadly, they've standardised on XML to ensure maximal bloat, but at
>> *cough*gzip -c*cough*
>> Or to put it in more detail, XML is a text format and as such is
>> easily and well compressed.
> Isn't this just the same as the StarOffice .sdx format?
> How would a Word user cope with it though?

SHe won't, until Microsoft decides they want to support things people
haven't paid them for or have no choice.

Believe it or not, you don't actually have to type unzip into a console in
order to unzip things. Software can do it *gasp* ON ITS OWN! So if ms
wanted to support koffice files, I'm sure there's at least one programmer
in there who can cope with the intricacies of unzip().

Admittedly it shouldn't be like that. With the correct schema the preview,
metadata, whatever you want could be embedded into a gzipped xml file, but
does that really make a huge difference?


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