[Gllug] ADSL Modem recommendations

Formi formi at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Mar 19 14:56:05 UTC 2003

On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Adam Bower wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 10:11:43AM +0000, Tethys wrote:
> >
> > "Andy Farnsworth" writes:
> >
> > >I have just signed up for BT ADSL Broadband.
> >
> > My commiserations. Still, it's done now, and there's no point crying
> > over spilt milk...
> you can cancel it within 14 days of activation, I am in the position that our
> new phone line doesn't like adsl so we are going to have to order a new exchange
> line from BT with the proviso "for bt broadband" and they will make an attempt
> to make it work (we are within 4.5km of the exchange") and if they fail give me
> my money back. Of course after activation I will use the 14 days grace to cancel
> and get broadband from a provider who has actually heard of static ip addresses.
> Of course if BT were not so rubbish they would try and make my current line work
> and if they succeed I would quite happily pay them more money, ho hum.
> Adam

 Congratulations on your guerrilla tactics, personally I would not
 consider adsl, because at some point bt would be in the middle and:

 When I got my phoneline, b*t*s wanted an outrageous amount of money, then
 Cable London did it for a tenner, and they had to lay about 200meters
 of cable on my street to get to me. Only problem with them is that they
 were partly bought with bill the monkey III $$$.

 Nothing is completely pure in this age of ours.

 FreeBSD 4.7 ThinkPad 570               He who for pleasure dies,
 Linux Registered User #235743                 even death enjoys.

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