[Gllug] Sendmail return paths

Jason Clifford jason at ukpost.com
Tue Mar 18 09:48:45 UTC 2003

On 17 Mar 2003, Adrian McMenamin wrote:

> How can I get sendmail to set the correct return path ie
> user at mycomapny.com and not apache at mycompanieswebserver.com when users
> are using my web application to exchange emails.

I take it your web application is just calling /usr/sbin/sendmail (or 
whereever you have sendmail installed)?

If that is the case sendmail will be dropping the From header from your 
message unless you have apache listed as a trusted user.

Trusted users are those in class T in a sendmail.cf configuration file. To 
add apache to your Truested user list find the section listed them in your 
existing file and add a line like so:


Do be aware however that this is poor practice as any apache process will 
now be able to forge it's email From headers, thus making it harder to 
trace abuse.

If you have any scripts on your server from untrusted sources don't do it.

Jason Clifford
UKFSN.ORG		Finance Free Software while you surf the 'net
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