[Gllug] Recruit scum

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Mon Mar 17 08:50:42 UTC 2003

On Sun 16 Mar, Jim Bailey bloviated thus:

> I would not bet on it there are recruiters who lurk on this list both
> because some have a genuine interest in Linux and also to check out if
> their potential source of income really does know there stuff or is just
> faking it.  a quick search of goolge with my name and Linux and my
> idiocy and ignorance starts a the 5th entry of the first page.

In which case they'll be the clueful minority and will be nodding
their heads and thinking "yep, our industry deserves its bad name

> They have proof read my CV made minor changes to grammar and typos
> and returned for approval.  We have a mutual understanding and possibly
> respect at least on my part.

Sounds like you've found a good 'un.  Details?

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>
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