[Gllug] D-Link DSL-604+

Andy McGarty andy at mac1systems.com
Thu Mar 27 13:12:12 UTC 2003

> Dear Andy and fellow GLLUGers,
> I think you were looking at the DI-604.  The DSL-604+ has an
> ADSL connection, four ethernet ports, and WiFi (which is
> essential for my garden computing).  I think the price is
> about 160.00 GBP + VAT.
I realised that when I saw the price difference on the other post!!!  But
hoped my mistake would go unnoticed, DOH!!

I just looked at 604 and not the dsl bit.

I couldn't see it on the main d-link site when I went to look for specs, is
it a uk only product?

Happy surfing.


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