[Gllug] Recruit scum

Jim Bailey jim at freesolutions.net
Sun Mar 16 17:18:57 UTC 2003

On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 12:48:16PM +0000, David Damerell wrote:
> On Sunday, 16 Mar 2003, Jim Bailey wrote:
> >David Damerell:
> >>Friends of mine who get jobs via pimps (I never have, although I've
> >>had one or two interviews that way) suggest you bring a paper copy of
> >>your CV as you have it, and first-thing ask to see what the pimp sent
> >>them; if they've got any experience of job-hunting themselves, they'll
> >>understand why.
> >Have people ever thought that they might get a better response from job
> >agencies if they changed their attitude towards them.  Calling them
> >pimps and demonising them is not going to get them on your side.
> They don't know I'm doing it here, though, do they?

I would not bet on it there are recruiters who lurk on this list both
because some have a genuine interest in Linux and also to check out if
their potential source of income really does know there stuff or is just
faking it.  a quick search of goolge with my name and Linux and my
idiocy and ignorance starts a the 5th entry of the first page.
> >Admittedly some people working in job agencies I would like to go to
> >work on with a baseball bat and a cigarette lighter. ;-)
> And you don't call them "pimps"? I think that answers your question -
> you have a good attitude and you receive equally lousy service.

I don't call them "pimps" because I used to know some pimps and consider
them the second lowest form of life.  Recruitment agents can be lairs
cheats and useless parasites but I still won't call them pimps and not
on a public list.

Actually throughout my working life I have dealt with both good and bad
employment agencies, both as a potential employer looking to fill a role
and as potential employee looking to fill a role. 

The one I am currently working with has got me my last two positions.
They have proof read my CV made minor changes to grammar and typos
and returned for approval.  We have a mutual understanding and possibly
respect at least on my part.

Peace Jim

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