[Gllug] Re: Knoppix31

Doug Winter doug at pigeonhold.com
Fri Mar 7 21:10:58 UTC 2003

On Fri 07 Mar Chris Bell wrote:
> On Fri 07 Mar, Alex Blacknell wrote:
> > 
> > Hello all
> > 
> > I'm new to this Linux lark and trying to get a printer attached via a 
> > Knoppix bootable cd.
> >
>    The answer to all three messages may be MagicFilter configuration, since
> there are so many different languages spoken by printers.

I have found CUPS to be fantastic.  I've got it running both at home and
work - at work it's running 5 different printers, with Sun, Linux,
OpenBSD and Windows clients and it's great.

Well worth taking a butchers at www.linuxprinting.org.  They know
whereof they speak.


http://www.britishsteal.com                        doug at pigeonhold.com
1024D/6973E2CF print 2C95 66AD 1596 37D2 41FC 609F 76C0 A4EC 6973 E2CF
"The United States is like the guy at the party who gives 
cocaine to everybody and still nobody likes him. -- Jim Samuels"
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