[Gllug] BBC News 24 at higher quality

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Mon Mar 24 12:48:38 UTC 2003

On Mon 24 Mar, Simon Stewart bloviated thus:

> So what 
> exactly are you proposing? The encouragement of Yet Another Monopoly? 
> Or is there some Open Source alternative that you'd like to promote?
> Not meaning to troll --- I'd be thrilled if Xiph's open streaming video 
> format was up to scatch, and I hear good things about XVid too (though 
> I've not used it) but I get the feeling that Auntie takes the view that 
> there are only two formats worth thinking of.

Xvid is free and, if you use the AVI as the container format, you can
happily use Windows Media Player to view it.  Oh and, of course,
mplayer works luverly with it.  Xvid is free.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>
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