[Gllug] UML Tool

Richard Turner richard at rj-turner.freeserve.co.uk
Wed May 7 22:09:06 UTC 2003

Wow, thanks for the response folks.  I really should have specified that I 
don't intend to do much work from home - I'm not paid nearly enough, so I was 
looking for Free software really, but looking at all the packages you've 
suggested was quite informative.

In the end I plummed for Umbrello - it's simple and not hugely sophisticated 
but will do for the little projects I do at home sometimes just to keep in 

I don't know what it is, but I've never been a fan of running applications 
programmed in Java - it was the language I learned to program in (if you 
discount BBC BASIC when I was ten!), but I suppose having lived with it 
running (not very well) on Windows for a good while now I've come to think it 
a little too slow.

Anyway, thanks for the help :-)


Richard Turner

"Racing turtles, the grapefruit is winning..."

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