[Gllug] cd rom access

Richard Turner richard at rj-turner.freeserve.co.uk
Fri May 23 20:13:08 UTC 2003


On Friday 23 May 2003 5:51 pm, Dylan put fingers to keys and typed:
> /dev/fd0 /mny/floppy auto noauto,user,sync 0 0

Note that the 'mny' here is a typo - the path should be '/mnt/floppy'.

I suggest that you try all these tips out one at a time to see what works - 
you don't want to be overwhelmed with the advice we're all so eager to give 
you :-)

One of the other posts mentions fstab entries spanning more than one line (how 
they can't).  I suggest this might have been in response to the layout of the 
message you posted rather than your actual /etc/fstab file being broken in 
that way, in which case you don't need to change that line.  If I'm wrong 
then obviously do change it though :-)


Richard Turner

"Racing turtles, the grapefruit is winning..."

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