[Gllug] Complete Mail System

Peter Adamson mewv29 at dsl.pipex.com
Fri Nov 14 16:08:10 UTC 2003

Peter Childs wrote:

<total plug - but hey its useful>
If you're looking for something comercial : http://www.isode.com does 
LDAP & email servers
<\total plug - but hey its useful>
(I work for 'em BTW)


>	Given the discussion on email systems I hope I will come up some
>usefull ideas.
>	Its just that there are two many bits and pieces to slot together
>that I'm really looking for a nice clean easy to implement and use
>	I'm looking at somthing compatible with Thunderbird or possibly
>	I plan to put debain on the servers (We currently use Redhat and
>its pritty terrible) Were using LTSP, NFS, Postgres, Qt, and
>Jabber and have no plans to change this. We also have an LDAP server thats
>a mess and needs sorting out.
>	The main aims area
>1. Reliablity (24x7 365 is the name of the game here)
>2. Speed
>3. Easy of use.
>	Stragly in that order....
>	I think Cygnus may fit the bill but I can't work out what it is
>and where to start.... (even from there website)
>Peter Childs

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