[Gllug] Evesham/Linux for a small business

Tushar Joshi tjoshi at lonix.org.uk
Wed Nov 5 20:04:20 UTC 2003

However, they usually do not distinguish between hardware and software.
So sometimes if you want a refund you need to return the 
computer as well, to get a refund on the whole system. (so Toshiba
tells me).


On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 09:51:50PM +0000, Martin A. Brooks wrote:
> At 21:05 04/11/2003 +0000, you wrote:>
> >> They seem to have been "got at".
> >>
> >> Geoff
> >
> >I found the same thing when I tried to order one of their boxes.  Won't be
> >doing business with them again!
> A more interesting approach is to get to the point of purchasing a machine 
> from them and then ask "Oh, by the way, will you honour the terms of the 
> Windows XP EULA?"
> The EULA says that if you do not agree to its terms then you must return 
> the product to the supplier for a full refund.
> Martin A. Brooks, Clues Ltd.
> http://www.clues.ltd.uk/
> -- 
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