[Gllug] ultra5 video thing

Ian Norton-Badrul bredroll at atari.org
Wed Nov 19 15:19:48 UTC 2003

Hi folks,

a little update, Ive got linux onto this machine now, debian to be 
exact, i didnt have much problems with that,

using fbset i get an oops in the syslog and the following :-

# bigultra:~# fbset
     # D: 74.778 MHz, H: 56.308 kHz, V: 69.862 Hz
     geometry 1024 768 1024 768 8
     timings 13373 144 24 29 3 136 6
     accel true
     rgba 8/0,8/0,8/0,0/0
Bus error

:-/  when it first boots, fbset shows me that the framebuffer is in 
1152x900 mode,
(apparently this is the mode it uses when it cant tell what the screen
can do) X starts up on this machine and does not complain at all, i 
just dont get a picture :-/

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