[Gllug] Voluntary work

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Thu Nov 13 12:50:16 UTC 2003

On Thu 13 Nov, Richard Turner bloviated thus:

> I've heard that the DLF is renowned amongst
> disability-related charities for having 'an excellent IT department'
> (I'd like to take credit, but I've only been here 18 months!), so we're
> probably unusual in our adoption of Linux - I would like to see that
> change :)

Sounds like you've done well!  Probably the best thing you could do,
from an advocacy point of view, is to write a paper about your case
study and present it at a conference to do with your organisation's
field.  Of course, put it online as well!

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>

My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.

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