[Gllug] wikis
gllug at minty.org
Sat Oct 11 11:51:58 UTC 2003
only personal experience & views:
+ moinmoin has built in file upload
(actually, the latest usemod 1.0 has this too)
+ usemod has, for me, much easier recent changes/view all revisions
this is one of the key things that makes a wiki a wiki
moinmoin has it, but I find it harder to use
+ moinmoin has built in help docs
(helps if you don't have a net connection handy)
+ the markup syntax is subtly different
moinmoin uses '''bold'''
* list items
* look like this
* third level of indent
usemod uses <b>bold</b>
* list items
** look like this
*** third level of ident
trivial, but the bold syntax is easier for anyone who's used html, and the
list syntax is more forgiving, and fractionally less typing. I stress, just
personal preference here.
+ usemod is a single perl script. cp wiki.pl /your/cgi-bin and it works.
I've found usemod very easy to hack and tweak for my specific needs. There
are loads of patches and tweaks available on the usemod site. I've not tried
hacking moinmoin tho.
However, having used both, I very very much prefer usemod. And it's mostly
for one reason.
I like to edit, save, hit back on the browser, revise, save, review, hit
back on the browser, edit, save, review. Replace "back button on browser"
with the keyboard shortcut, and you can iterate through multiple versions
without ever touching the mouse. I find this "keyboard only" technique much
faster, but then I have been spending a lot of time building up a couple of
wiki sites.
Preview also doesn't cut it for me. I like to have saved revisions, so I
can load up the version from 1 hours ago, run a diff against it, etc.
With MoinMoin, it will complain about conflicts if you use the back button.
It annoys the hell out of me. Plus, if you are iterating a lot, it involves
constantly scrolling to the bottom of the page and locating the "edit" link
with your mouse.
These really are minor. Both are fantastic. I found usemod more
productive, and more flexibile to the way /I/ wanted to work.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gllug-bounces at linux.co.uk [mailto:gllug-bounces at linux.co.uk]On
> Behalf Of Jon Dye
> Sent: 08 October 2003 11:45
> To: Greater London Linux Users Group
> Subject: [Gllug] wikis
> Does anyone have any recomendations for wiki software? We want to set
> one up at work and we have a linux box that already has apache, php
> 4.0.3 and perl 5.005 on it (a bit old I know).
> JD
> --
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