FW: [Gllug] Computer trouble/willing to pay

Rich Walker rw at shadow.org.uk
Mon Oct 27 16:37:07 UTC 2003

"Berdou,E \(pgr\)" <E.Berdou at lse.ac.uk> writes:

> Hi, thanks for your replies
> some of you suggested that I should take my laptop to a data recovery expert. 

I recently used DotCo Software who are out Wembley way.

I had blown the electronics on my hard drive.

They did a complete recovery - including getting the drive bootable
again - even though it wasn't bootable when they got it (that was how I
blew the electronics... Long, sad story).

http://www.dotcosoftware.com/ or http://www.datarecoverydirect.co.uk/

cheers, Rich.

> I was wondering if you have any recommendations?
> Thanks
> Evangelia

rich walker         |  Shadow Robot Company | rw at shadow.org.uk
technical director     251 Liverpool Road   |
need a Hand?           London  N1 1LX       | +UK 20 7700 2487

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